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Volunteer Application & Clearances

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Parent and community volunteers are vital to the success of our school district. The state has updated the mandates for volunteers so that school districts can better ensure the safety of students.  DASD needs to follow these new state guidelines so we need all current and future district volunteers to read through our procedures (attached) and complete the required steps. 

We consider a parent or community member to be a volunteer if they chaperone a field trip, are teaching or leading an activity where they are in charge of a group of students, or if they come to the school on a routine basis to assist in a certain capacity. All people who fall into those categories need to follow the attached volunteer guidelines.  A parent does not have to have volunteer status to attend a concert, party, or other one-time event. 

Some key changes to the volunteer guidelines include:

1. Fingerprinting is now a required step. You can find the complete directions in the manual.

2. We are centralizing all volunteer paperwork so volunteers will come to the administrative offices with their completed paperwork or can call 570-271-3268 x1000 for more information. Click here for the entire volunteer manual and directions.

We truly appreciate all of our parent and community volunteers. Thank you in advance for your time and energy in completing these steps so that we can ensure student safety. 

Thank you,

Dr. Molly Nied, Superintendent