Attendance Policy
- If a student will not be in attendance, a parent/guardian should call 570-271-3268 ext 3575 by 8 AM.
- If we do not receive any communication from a parent/guardian that a student will be absent, an automated phone call notification will be made.
- If an educational trip is planned, a parent/guardian should complete and submit the form two weeks prior to the absences. This form is located in the office or can be found here. Please include the dates and total number of absences. Students who have accumulated 10 or more absences may not be granted an excused absence.
- A written excuse must be sent in for every absence your child has accumulated.
- Excused absences are defined as follows: illness, death of a family member, medical or dental appointments, authorized school activities, prior approved educational travel.
- A student who has accumulated 10 or more absences may be required to submit a doctor’s excuse for additional absences.
- When a child accumulates three or more unlawful absences, the parent/guardian may be required to attend a meeting to discuss an attendance improvement plan for the student.
- When a student accumulates five unlawful absences, truancy charges may be filed with the district magistrate and a referral made to Children and Youth Services.